Borg, V. (1996). Death of
the night. Geographical Magazine. 68: 56.
Night light pollution is becoming an increasingly important
environmental problem as well as an impediment to people enjoying
the panorama offered by the stars. Certain animals, such as
sea turtles in the Mediterranean and migratory birds that fly
by night, are disturbed in their reproductive and migratory
habits by the excess light being given off by lit towns and
cities. The answer is to cap night lights to reduce the glare
that is given off into the sky.
Fedun, I. (1995). Fatal
Light Attraction. Journal of Wildlife Rehabilitation
Harder, B. (2002). "Deprived
of darkness: the unnatural ecology of artificial light at night"
Science News 161(16):248-249.
Health Council of the Netherlands.
2000. Impact of outdoor lighting on man and nature. The Hague:
Health Council of the Netherlands. Publication no. 2000/25E.
Raevel P. & Lamiot,
F. (1998). Impacts écologiques de l'éclairage
nocturne. Premier Congrès européen sur la
protection du ciel nocturne, June 30-May 1, Cité des
Sciences, La Villette, Paris.
Outen, A. (1998). The
possible ecological implication of artificial lighting.
Hertfordshire, UK: Hertfordshire Biological
Records Centre.
Upgren, A. R. (1996). "Night
blindness: Light pollution is changing astronomy, the environment,
and our experience of nature." The Amicus Journal
Verheijen, F. J. (1958).
"The mechanisms of the trapping effect of artificial light
sources upon animals." Netherlands Journal of Zoology
Verheijen, F. J. (1985). "Photopollution: Artificial light
optic spatial control systems fail to cope with. Incidents,
causations, remedies." Experimental Biology 1985:1-18.
Edwards, D. G. W. and Y.
A. El-Kassaby (1996). "The effect of stratification and
artificial light on the germination of mountain hemlock seeds."
Seed Science and Technology 24(2): 225-235.
Germination in mountain hemlock, Tsuga mertensiana (Bong.)
Carr., was investigated using 19 seed sources from British Columbia.
Neither light nor stratification for 28 days had any significant
effect on germination capacity, but light significantly (p less
than or equal to 0.01) reduced germination rate. Stratification
significantly increased germination rate in all seed sources,
although the amount of total variation attributable to this
effect was small. Stratification did not overcome the effect
of light, and it is recommended that seeds should be covered
after sowing in the nursery. All sources, including one from
the interior of the province, germinated relatively uniformly.
No correlations could be found between germination parameters
and age, source elevation and seed weight, but germination capacity
and seed weight were correlated with latitude. No correlation
existed between seed weight and elevation. For most sources,
a test duration of 21 days was adequate for complete germination
even of unstratified seeds. Mountain hemlock seeds should be
stratified before being sown in the nursery, and they should
be covered during the germination phase to exclude light.
Moore, M.V., S.M. Pierce,
H.M. Walsh, S.K. Kvalvik, and J.D. Lim (2000). Urban light pollution
alters the diel vertical migration of Daphnia. Proceedings
of the International Society of Theoretical and Applied Limnology.
In press.
Pierce, S.M. and M.V. Moore
(1998). Light pollution affects the diel vertical migration
of freshwater zooplankton. Abstract, 1998. Annual Meeting of
the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD.
Peterson, Aili (2001). Night
lights. Science Observer. January-February. Online:
Bhattacharya, A., Y. D.
Mishra, et al. (1995). "Attraction of some insects associated
with lac towards various coloured lights." Journal of
Insect Science 8(2):205-206.
Three different colours of light, i.e., blue, yellow and red
along with natural light has been tested to find out the degree
of photo-attraction of eight insect species found in the biotic
complex around lac insect. All the eight species tested showed
high degree of attraction towards natural light and least for
blue. Marked differences have also been observed in the behaviour
of the predators and parasitoids for yellow and red colour lights.
Craig, C. L. and C. R. Freeman
(1991). "Effects of predator visibility on prey encounter:
A case study on aerial web weaving spiders." Behavioral
Ecology and Sociobiology 29(4):249-254.
Perhaps the most important factor affecting predator-prey interactions
is their encounter probability. Predators must either locate
sites where prey are active or attract prey to them, and prey
must be able to recognize potential and flee before capture.
In this study we manipulate and describe three components of
the foraging system of predatory, web-weaving spiders, the presence
of viscid droplets, silk brightness (achromatic surface reflectance),
and visibility of the orb pattern, to determine their effect
on insect attraction, recognition, and web avoidance. We found
that webs with viscid droplets were more visible to prey at
close range, but at greater distances the sparkling droplets
lured insects to the web area and hence increased insect capture
probability. Although the size of viscid droplets and silk brightness
are closely correlated (Table 2, Fig. 3), the relationships
among droplet size, spider size, and the visual environments
in which webs are found are more complicated (Fig. 2, Tables
2, 3). In environments with predictable light exposure, droplet
size and hence milk visibility correlate with spider size, and
spiders that forage at night produce relatively more visible
silks then spiders that forage during the day (Table 3, Fig.
4). In habitats in which light levels are not predictable, silk
surface reflectance and spider size are not closely correlated,
suggesting that the complexity of the light environment, as
well as the visual and foraging behaviors of insects found there,
has played an important role in the evolution of spider-insect
Eisenbeis, G. and F. Hassel
(2000) "[Attraction of nocturnal insects to street lights
- a study of municipal lighting systems in a rural area of Rheinhessen
(Germany.]" Natur und Landschaft 75(4):145-156.
Street lamps which illuminate public areas and places at night
are of different types, emitting different spectra. All of them
(e.g. white mercury (HME), orange sodium (HSE) or sodium-xenon
vapour lamps (HSXT)) attract insects. During summer nights,
myriads of insects fly restlessly around the lamps, which therefore
have a marked impact on insect biology. There is some evidence
that lamps differ with respect to their insect attraction. Sodium
lamps, for instance, attract insects less strongly than white
mercury lamps. We tested the attraction of three lamp types
and, in addition, an ultraviolet absorber foil and some controls
(lights without illumination). All installations were carried
out by the electric utility of Rheinhessen/Germany (EWR) at
three sites in a rural area. To trap insects, we used 19 air-eclector
traps which had been positioned within the light cones of the
street lights. We caught a total of 44,210 insects (including
some arachnids), distributed among 12 orders. Altogether the
data set comprised 536 night trapping records. The results show
that the number of insects captured at the three sites and the
attraction per eclector per day depends significantly on both
the type of lamp and the site. By using sodium vapor street
lamps (HSE), the number of insects caught was reduced signficantly
by more than 50%, and in the case of Lepidoptera by about 75%.
We therefore recommend the use of sodium high pressure vapour
lamps to improve the conservation of insect fauna. The results
further show that there is a large potential to reduce costs
for municipalities by switching street illumination from mercury
vapour (HME) to sodium vapour (HSE) lamps.
Frank, K. D. (1988). "Impact
of outdoor lighting on moths: An assessment." Journal
of the Lepidopterists' Society 42(2):63-93.
Outdoor lighting has sharply increased over the last four decades.
Lepidopterists have blamed it for causing declines in populations
of moths. How outdoor lighting affects moths, however, has never
been comprehensively assessed. The current study makes such
an assessment on the basis of published literature. Outdoor
lighting disturbs flight, navigation, vision, migration, dispersal,
oviposition, mating, feeding and crypsis in some moths. In addition
it may disturb circadian rhythms and photoperiodism. It exposes
moths to increased predation by birds, bats, spiders, and other
predators. However, destruction of vast numbers of moths in
light traps has not eradicated moth populations. Diverse species
of moths have been found in illuminated urban environments,
and extinctions due to electric lighting have not been documented.
Outdoor lighting does not appear to affect flight or other activities
of many moths, and counterbalancing ecological forces may reduce
or negate those disturbances which do occur. Despite these observations
outdoor lighting may influence some populations of moths. The
result may be evolutionary modification of moth behavior, or
disruption or elimination of moth populations. The impact of
lighting may increase in the future as outdoor lighting expands
into new areas and illuminates moth populations threatened by
other disturbances. Reducing exposure to lighting may help protect
moths in small, endangered habitats. Low-pressure sodium lamps
are less likely than are other lamps to elicit flight-to-light
behavior, and to shift circadian rhythms. They may be used to
reduce adverse effects of lighting.
Gerson, E. A. and R. G.
Kelsey (1997). "Attraction and direct mortality of pandora
moths, Coloradia pandora (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae),
by nocturnal fire." Forest Ecology and Management
The attraction of nocturnal moths to candles and other sources
of light has long been observed, but fire as a potential source
of mortality to moths in ecosystems with frequent fire regimes
has been overlooked. A prescribed burn was conducted shortly
after dark in a central Oregon ponderosa pine forest during
the flight period of the endemic defoliator Coloradia pandora
(Blake). Attraction to the fire and partial consumption by flames
caused direct mortality estimated at 2.2% to 17.1% of the local
pandora moth population. In field tests with projected light,
pandora moths did not discriminate among colors in the visible
spectrum. Moths did not respond to projected light for at least
1 h after dusk, indicating that timing and duration of the prescribed
fire may have limited the mortality.
Gotthard, K. (2000). "Increased
risk of predation as a cost of high growth rate: An experimental
test in a butterfly." Journal of Animal Ecology
1. Life history theoreticians have traditionally assumed that
juvenile growth rates are maximized and that variation in this
trait is due to the quality of the environment. In contrast
to this assumption there is a large body of evidence showing
that juvenile growth rates may vary adaptively both within and
between populations. This adaptive variation implies that high
growth rates may be associated with costs. 2. Here, I explicitly
evaluate the often-proposed trade-off between growth rate and
predation risk, in a study of the temperate butterfly, Pararge
aegeria (L). 3. By rearing larvae with a common genetic
background in different photoperiods it was possible to experimentally
manipulate larval growth rates, which vary in response to photoperiod.
Predation risk was assessed by exposing larvae that were freely
moving on their host plants to the predatory heteropteran, Picromerus
bidens (L.). 4. The rate of predation was significantly
higher in the fast-growing larvae. An approximately four times
higher relative growth rate was associated with a 30% higher
daily predation risk. 5. The main result demonstrates a trade-off
between growth rate and predation risk, and there are reasons
to believe that this trade-off is of general significance in
free-living animals. The results also suggest that juvenile
development of P. aegeria is governed by a strategic
decision process within individuals.
Heiling, A. M. (1999). "Why
do nocturnal orb-web spiders (Araneidae) search for light?"
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 46(1):43-49.
The nocturnal orb-web spider Larinioides sclopetarius lives
near water and frequently builds webs on bridges. In Vienna,
Austria, this species is particularly abundant along the artificially
lit handrails of a footbridge. Fewer individuals placed their
webs on structurally identical but unlit handrails of the same
footbridge. A census of the potential prey available to the
spiders and the actual prey captured in the webs revealed that
insect activity was significantly greater and consequently webs
captured significantly more prey in the lit habitat compared
to the unlit habitat. A laboratory experiment showed that adult
female spiders actively choose artificially lit sites for web
construction. Furthermore, this behaviour appears to be genetically
predetermined rather than learned, as laboratory-reared individuals
which had previously never foraged in artificial light exhibited
the same preference. This orb-web spider seems to have evolved
a foraging behaviour that exploits the attraction of insects
to artificial lights.
Kolligs, D. (2000). "Ecological
effects of artificial light sources on nocturnally active insects,
in particular on butterflies (Lepidoptera)." Faunistisch-Oekologische
Mitteilungen Supplement 28:1-136.
It is a well known phenomena that night-active insects are attracted
by artificial light sources. With a growing urban environment
and a high number of street lamps and other light emitting sources,
the response of night active insects to artificial light becomes
of in-creasing importance for nature protection. This study
focuses on the behavioural response of different insect orders,
families and species to the most frequently used exterior lighting
and street lamps (mercury- and sodium-vapour lamps). These artificial
sources of light distinctly increased in the last decades. In
the city of Kiel (North-Germany) the number of streetlights
was fifty times higher in 1998 than in 1949. The investigations
were carried out at two sites in Schleswig-Holstein (North-Germany):
in Albersdorf / Dithmarschen (western Schleswig-Holstein) and
in Kiel on the university campus (eastern Schleswig-Holstein).
In Albersdorf, the insects were attracted by a light emitting
greenhouse (10,000 m2) and by two punctually radiating light
sources (light traps with mercury and sodium-vapour lamps) and
became comparative investigated in 1994 to 1995. Two different
methods were used to record insects at the greenhouse. Butterflies
(Lepidoptera) were sampled by hand. The remaining insects were
trapped in two 1.5 m2 large sample areas using a suction trap.
Insects from each of the four sides of the green-house were
sampled and trapped separately. The two light traps caught the
insects automatically. On the campus of Kiel University insects
were studied from 1994 to 1996. For this purpose four street
lamps equipped with mercury-vapour lamps had traps attached
to the socket. On one of the four street lamps the mercury-vapour
lamp was exchanged by a sodium-vapour lamp with the same light
intensity. In 1996 two additional street lamps were equipped
with a different type of trap. 72,267 insects from 114 insect
families and 96,725 insects from 138 families were redorded
at Albersdorf and at Kiel, respectively. Butterflies (Lepidoptera),
beetles (Coleoptera), caddies flies (Trichoptera) and sciarid
flies (Sciaridae) were determined to the species level. An analysis
of the catches gave the following resuits: Mosquitos (Nematocera)
made up the majority of all captured insects (40 - 90 %). The
other most conunon groups were butterflies (Lepidoptera), flies
(Brachycera) and beetles (Coleoptera). In both study areas Hymenopterans
(Hymenoptera), aphids (Aphidina), cicadas (Cicadina), true bugs
(Heteroptera), neuropterans (Neuroptera), caddis flies (Trichoptera),
psocids (Psocoptera) and mayflies (Ephemeroptera) made up less
than 1 % of the total catch. Catches from adjacent street lamps
(25 m apart) were distinctly different in their insect compositions.
These differences seem to be caused by the surrounding habitats
and the wind exposure of the lamps. Significant differences
between the compositions of samples from different street lamps
were oniy found between May and the end of August. In spring
and autumn the sample 13 sizes were small and species compositions
were not significantly different. In contrast to hand sampling
not all insects that flew into street lamps were caught by the
automatic light traps (e. g. only 30-40 % of the Lepidoptera
were caught by the traps) No significant correlation was found
between the size of a light source and the number of Lepidoptera
attracted by it. Rather the intensity and the light spectrum
seem to control butterfly abundance at a light source. The light
spectrum of the sodium-vapour lamp attracted fewer species and
individuals than the mercury-vapour lamp. Otherwise from some
species, e.g. he swift mohs (Hepialidae) or the geometric moth
Idaea dimidiata, more individuals were registrated at the sodium-vapour
lamps. Only single individuals of endangered butterfly species
were found at the different light sources, while 31 beetle species
of the Red List of Schleswig-l-Iolstein were captured in the
study area in Kiel.
Klotz, J. H. and B. L. Reid
(1993). "Nocturnal orientation in the black carpenter
ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus Degeer (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)."
Insectes Sociaux 40(1):95-106.
The black carpenter ant Camponotus pennsylvanicus (DeGeer),
a predominantly nocturnal Formicine ant, responds to a hierarchy
of visual and tactile cues when orienting along odor trails
at night. Under illumination from moonlight or artificial light,
workers rely upon these beacons to mediate phototactic orientation.
In the absence of moonlight or artificial lights, ants were
able to orient visually to terrestrial landmarks. In the absence
of all landmarks, save for overhanging tree branches, ants could
negotiate shortcuts or make directional changes in response
to visual landmarks presented within the tree canopy on a moonless
night. When experimental manipulations placed the ants in total
darkness, they could no longer negotiate shortcuts and would
resort to thigmotactic orientation along structural guidelines
to reach a food source. The hierachical organization of these
diverse cues in a foraging strategy is discussed, as well as
their adaptive significance to C. pennsylvanicus.
Sivinski, J. M. (1998).
"Phototropism, bioluminescence, and the Diptera."
Florida Entomologist 81(3):282-292.
Many arthropods move toward or away from lights. Larvae of certain
luminescent mycetophilid fungus gnats exploit this response
to obtain prey. They produce mucus webs, sometimes festooned
with poisonous droplets, to snare a variety of small arthropods.
Their lights may also protect them from their own negatively
phototropic predators and/or be used as aposematic signals.
On the other hand, lights may aid hymenopterous parasitoids
to locate fungus gnat hosts. The luminescence of mushrooms can
attract small Diptera, and might have evolved to aid mechanical
spore dispersal. Among Diptera, bioluminescence is found only
in the Mycetophilidae, but the variety of light organs in fungus
gnats suggests multiple evolutions of the trait. This concentration
of bioluminescence may be due to the unusual, sedentary nature
of prey capture (i.e., use of webs) that allows the 'mimicry'
of a stationary abiotic light cue, or the atypically potent
defenses webs and associated chemicals might provide (i.e.,
an aposematic display of unpalatability).
Summers, C. G. (1997). "Phototactic
behavior of Bemisia argentifolii (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae)
crawlers." Annals of the Entomological Society of America
First instars (crawlers) of Bemisia argentifolii Bellows
& Perring were observed in the field and laboratory to move
upward on plants, presumably in search of acceptable feeding
sites. Laboratory experiments were conducted on a host plant
and an artificial surface to determine if this movement was
random, or a response to light (phototaxis) or gravity (geotaxis).
Greenhouse-reared B. argentifolii crawlers were positively
phototactic in experiments conducted on a host plant and on
an artificial surface of black construction paper. Crawlers
moved up or down the petiole of cheeseweed. Malva parviflora
L., with equal facility, toward a light source placed either
above or below the leaf blade. Response was always toward the
light (positive phototaxis) and there was no response to gravity,
either positive or negative. Crawlers placed on an artificial
surface in a dark arena and presented with a point light source
had a significant mean angular dispersion toward the light.
Crawlers illuminated with uniform overhead lighting or kept
in darkness moved about the arena at random. Crawlers maintained
in darkness on cheeseweed and the artificial surface moved a
significantly shorter distance from their origin than did those
exposed to light. Such behavior suggests that some minimal light
intensity may be necessary to stimulate crawler activity. The
positive phototactic response may contribute to survival of
B. argentifolii by enabling individuals eclosing from
fall laid eggs, on leaves that become senescent during the winter,
to find suitable leaves for development higher on the plant.
Sustek, Z. (1999). "Light
attraction of carabid beetles and their survival in the city
centre." Biologia (Bratislava) 54(5):539-551.
A carabid assemblage attracted on an intensively illuminated
advertisement table above a shop window in the centre of Bratislava
in August and September 1997 consisted of 40 species. This number
was almost the same as in the pitfall trap catches carried out
during three growing seasons in 13 sites in Bratislava. Almost
94% of individuals belonged to autumn breeding species inhabiting
arable land, while the spring breeders were little represented.
Compared with light traps catches performed in other localities
by other authors, there was an increased proportion of Amara
apricaria. In addition the xerotermophilous species Harpalus
tenebrosus and H. zabroides and the rare Polystichus
connexus were found. Three major periods in flight activity
and species composition of the Carabid assemblage were distinguished
according to species abundance and presence. A large number
of Pseudoophonus rufipes, P. calceatus, Dolichus
halensis and Chlaenius spoliatus colonised the study
site. They used various small caves in the walls, gutter pipe
outlets or ants' galleries in the sand between pavement and
wall bases as an effective cover. The beetles exhibited a surprising
ability to survive in the city centre asphalt desert.
Tessmer, J. W., C. L. Meek,
et al. (1995). "Circadian patterns of oviposition by necrophilous
flies (Diptera: Calliphoridae) in southern Louisiana."
Southwestern Entomologist 20(4):439-445.
Circadian ovipositional activities of calliphorid flies on poultry
carcasses were assessed during two 24-h periods in mid-summer
1994 during full (July study) and new moon (August study) phases
in urban habitats with artificial lighting and in rural habitats
without artificial lighting. Immatures of Cochliomyia macellaria
(F.) and Phaenicia sericata (Meigen) were the predominant species
collected during each of the two 24-h field studies. Flies oviposited
during the afternoon diurnal hours and during the morning diurnal
period of the following day of the July and August studies.
However, egg deposition did not occur on any poultry carcass
between the nocturnal hours of 2100 and 0500-h CDST for either
study period regardless of the presence or absence of artificial
or natural (i.e., full moon) lighting.
This section contributed
by Bryant W. Buchanan, Utica College.
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content and DNA synthesis in the dorsal epidermis of Rana pipiens.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 38A:591-602.
Muntz, W. R. A. 1962. Effectiveness of different colors of light
in releasing positive phototactic behavior of frogs, and a possible
function of the retinal projection to the diencephalon. Journal
of Neurophysiology 25:712-720.
Pearse, A. S. 1910. The reactions of Amphibians to light. Proceedings
of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 45:159-208.
Rand, A. S., M. E. Bridarolli, L. Dries, and M. J. Ryan. 1997.
Light levels influence female choice in Túngara frogs:
predation risk assessment? Copeia 1997:447-450.
Riley, C. F. C. 1913. Responses of young toads to light and
contact. Journal of Animal Behavior 3:179-214.
Steenhard, B. M. and J. C. Besharse. 2000. Phase shifting the
retinal circadian clock: xPer2 mRNA induction by light and dopamine.
Journal of Neuroscience 20:8572-8577.
Sustare, B. D. 1977. Characterizing parameters of response to
light intensity for six species of frogs. Behavioural Processes
Tárano, Z. 1998. Cover and ambient light influence nesting
preferences of the Túngara frog Physalaemus pustulosus.
Copeia 1998:250-251.
Wright, A. H. and A. A. Wright. 1949. Handbook of Frogs and
Toads of the United States and Canada. Comstock Publishing Company,
Ithaca, NY. pp 167, 169, 188, 314, and 347.
Adamany, S. L., M. Salmon,
et al. (1997). "Behavior of sea turtles at an urban beach:
III. Costs and benefits of nest caging as a management strategy."
Florida Scientist 60(4): 239-253.
At a sea turtle nesting beach in Boca Raton, Florida, all nests
are covered with a wire cage to protect the eggs from beach
traffic and predators. The front panel of the cage (facing the
ocean) is of larger mesh that allows hatchlings to escape. In
this study we determined if cages impede hatchling migration.
No effect was apparent at dark beach sites but at illuminated
beach areas, hatchlings crawled toward lights behind the beach
rather than toward the ocean, and were trapped within the cage.
Trapped turtles eventually escaped, either later that evening
(as lighting was reduced toward midnight) or at dawn (as natural
levels of background illumination increased). However at night,
enough lighting remained to attract turtles after they left
the cage. At dawn, escaped hatchlings crawled to the sea but
were probably vulnerable to visual predators. We conclude that
at urban sites exposed to luminaires, cage use compromises hatchling
survival. Thus at urban rookeries, caging is only effective
if coupled with efforts to eliminate beach-front lighting.
Peters, A. and K. J. F.
Verhoeven (1994). "Impact of artificial lighting on the
seaward orientation of hatchling loggerhead turtles." Journal
of Herpetology 28(1): 112-114.
Salmon, M., R. Reiners,
et al. (1995). "Behavior of loggerhead sea turtles on an
urban beach. I. Correlates of nest placement." Journal
of Herpetology 29(4): 560-567.
Loggerhead sea turtles nesting in Florida sometimes deposit
their clutches on urban beaches. This study was undertaken at
a city beach to determine correlations between physical variables
and where nests were placed. Over a four year period, the distribution
of nests on the beach was statistically identical. Nesting density
variation at particular sites was unrelated to offshore depth
profiles or to beach width, but was strongly correlated with
the presence of tall objects (clusters of mature Australian
pine trees and rows of multi-storied condominiums) located between
the beach and the city. There are no reports that females nest
preferentially in front of tall objects (dune or vegetation)
at natural rookeries. The response may be unique to urban rookeries
where the nesting habitat is exposed to artificial lighting.
Tall buildings and trees shielded the beach from city light,
with the magnitude of the effect (and the number of nests) positively
related to object elevation. Planting vegetation and reestablishing
dunes on urban beaches may be effective methods for attracting
nesting turtles to these sites.
Salmon, M., M. G. Tolbert,
et al. (1995). "Behavior of loggerhead sea turtles on an
urban beach. II. Hatchling orientation." Journal of
Herpetology 29(4): 568-576.
At several locations on an urban nesting beach, loggerhead hatchlings
emerging from their nests did not orient toward the sea. The
cause was city lighting which disrupted normal seafinding behavior.
Observations and experiments were conducted to determine why
females nested where hatchlings were exposed to illumination,
and how hatchlings responded to local conditions. In some cases,
females nested late at night after lights were turned off, but
hatchlings emerged earlier in the evening when lights were on.
In other cases, the beach was shadowed by buildings directly
behind the nest, but was exposed to lights from gaps between
adjacent buildings. In laboratory tests, "urban silhouettes"
(mimicking buildings with light gaps) failed to provide adequate
cues for hatchling orientation whereas natural silhouettes (those
without light gaps) did. Adding a low light barrier (simulating
a dune or dense vegetation) in front of the gaps improved orientation
accuracy. The data show that hatchling orientation is a sensitive
assay of beach lighting conditions, and that light barriers
can make urban beaches safer for emerging hatchlings. At urban
beaches where it may be impossible to shield all luminaires,
light barriers may be an effective method for protecting turtles.
Salmon, M. and B. E. Witherington
(1995). "Artificial lighting and seafinding by loggerhead
hatchlings: Evidence for lunar modulation." Copeia
1995(4): 931-938.
Hatchling sea turtles generally emerge from nests at night and
crawl immediately toward the ocean ("seafinding orientation").
On natural, dark beaches their orientation is usually appropriate,
but where oceanfront buildings are present, hatchlings may crawl
toward artificial lighting behind the beach. A systematic survey
during the 1993 nesting season documented that, on Florida's
beaches, such abnormal behavior ("disrupted orientation")
occurred most often on dark nights around new moon and least
often under full-moon illumination. Experiments on an urbanized
Florida beach (Boca Raton, Palm Beach County) showed that background
illumination from the moon, and not an attraction to the moon
itself, restored normal seafinding orientation. Background illumination
reduced, but did not eliminate, light intensity gradients imposed
by artificial lighting. Thus, when seafinding was restored,
hatchlings moved toward dimmer, not brighter, horizons. These
results suggest that loggerhead hatchlings can locate the sea
using mechanisms other than a positive phototaxis (the most
widely held view). An alternative hypothesis, supported by these
results, is that batchlings locate the ocean by crawling away
from objects behind the beach (dune, vegetation, or buildings)
using shape and/or elevation cues.
Witherington, B. E. and
R. E. Martin (1996). "Understanding, assessing, and resolving
light-pollution problems on sea turtle nesting beaches."
Florida Marine Research Institute Technical Reports 2:
I-IV, 1-73.
Sea turtle populations have suffered worldwide declines, and
their recovery largely depends upon our managing the effects
of expanding human populations. One of these effects is light
pollution - the presence of detrimental artificial light in
the environment. Of the many ecological disturbances caused
by human beings, light pollution may be among the most manageable.
Light pollution on nesting beaches is detrimental to sea turtles
because it alters critical nocturnal behaviors, namely, how
sea turtles choose nesting sites, how they return to the sea
after nesting, and how hatchlings find the sea after emerging
from their nests. Both circumstantial observations and experimental
evidence show that artificial lighting on beaches tends to deter
sea turtles from emerging from the sea to nest. Because of this,
effects from artificial lighting are not likely to be revealed
by a ratio of nests to false crawls (tracks showing abandoned
nesting attempts on the beach). Although there is a tendency
for turtles to prefer dark beaches, many do nest on lighted
shores, but in doing so, the lives of their hatchlings are jeopardized.
This threat comes from the way that artificial lighting disrupts
a critical nocturnal behavior of hatchlings - crawling from
their nest to the sea. On naturally lighted beaches, hatchlings
escaping from nests show an immediate and well-directed orientation
toward the water. This robust sea-finding behavior is innate
and is guided by light cues that include brightness, shape,
and in some species, color. On artificially lighted beaches,
hatchlings become misdirected by light sources, leaving them
unable to find the water and likely to incur high mortality
from dehydration and predators. Hatchlings become misdirected
because of their tendency to move in the brightest direction,
especially when the brightness of one direction is overwhelmingly
greater than the brightness of other directions, conditions
that are commonly created by artificial light sources. Artificial
lighting on beaches is strongly attractive to hatchlings and
can cause hatchlings to move in the wrong direction (misorientation)
as well as interfere with their ability to orient in a constant
direction (disorientation). Understanding how sea turtles interpret
light cues to choose nesting sites and to locate the sea in
a variably lighted world has helped conservationists develop
ways to identify and minimize problems caused by light pollution.
Part of this understanding is of the complexity of lighting
conditions on nesting beaches and of the difficulty of measuring
light pollution with instrumentation. Thankfully, accurately
quantifying light pollution is not necessary to diagnose a potential
problem. We offer this simple rule: if light from an artificial
source is visible to a person standing anywhere on a beach,
then that light is likely to cause problems for the sea turtles
that nest there. Because there is no single, measurable level
of artificial brightness on nesting beaches that is acceptable
for sea turtle conservation, the most effective conservation
strategy is simply to use "best available technology"
(BAT: a common strategy for reducing other forms of pollution
by using the best of the pollution-reduction technologies available)
to reduce effects from lighting as much as practicable. Best
available technology includes many light-management options
that have been used by lighting engineers for decades and others
that are unique to protecting sea turtles. To protect sea turtles,
light sources can simply be turned off or they can be minimized
in number and wattage, repositioned behind structures, shielded,
redirected, lowered, or recessed so that their light does not
reach the beach. To ensure that lights are on only when needed,
timers and motion-detector switches can be installed. Interior
lighting can be reduced by moving lamps away from windows, drawing
blinds after dark, and tinting windows. To protect sea turtles,
artificial lighting need not be prohibited if it can be properly
Henderson, R.W., and R.
Powell. (2001). "Responses by the West Indian Herpetofauna
to human-induced resources." Caribbean Journal of Science
37(1-2): 41-54. Download
Includes discussion and examples of species that exploit the
"night-light niche." See Table 6.
McCoid, M.J., and R.A. Hensley.(1993).
"Shifts in activity patterns in lizards." Herpetological
Review 24(3): 87-88.
Identifies 8 Anolis
species and a skink gathered under porch lights on Cocos Island.
Perry, G. and D.W. Buden
(1999). "Ecology behavior and color variation of the green
tree skink, Lamprolepis smaragdina (Lacertilla: Scincidae),
in Micronesia." Micronesia 31(2): 263-273.
From Results section:
Lamprolepis smaragdina
were active during the daylight hours in all locations. At
non-lighted sites, and at ones where only diffuse lighting
was available at night, we observed no nocturnal behavior.
However, up to three skinks were frequently observed at night
on the brightly lit trees on the Kolonia campus of the College
of Micronesia, Pohnpei. This is the first documented examples
of opportunistic night-light feeding in this species. Animals
were actively feeding on small insects (mainly microlepidoptera)
drawn to the light. Most of these sightings were within two
hours of sunset, but at least two of the observations were
at about midnight, and several just before dawn. No skinks
were observed on any of the adjacent (unlighted) trees at
these times, although as many as four were observed together
on these same trees during the day.
Schwartz, A. and R.W. Henderson
(1991). "Amphibians and reptiles of the West Indies: descriptions,
distributions, and Natural history." University of Florida
Press, Gainsville.
Coins term "night-light
niche" for diurnal lizard species that feed at artificial
lights at night.
See annotated bibliography
Anonymous (2000). Seatrout
vs. Light Nuisance, Scottish Anglers National Association,
Anonymous (2000). Artificial
light influences on Halibut Fishes,
Contor, C. R. and J. S.
Griffith (1995). "Nocturnal emergence of juvenile rainbow
trout from winter concealment relative to light intensity."
Hydrobiologia 299(3):179-183.
This study examined the relationship between light intensity
and the number of juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
visible to a snorkeler during February in the Henrys Fork of
the Snake River, Idaho, USA. Fish were concealed in the substratum
during daylight. Emergence from concealment was observed from
30 to 80 min after real sunset time and began when stars were
first visible (pyranometric irradiance, 4.5 times 10-3 W-2).
Densities of visible fish were negatively correlated with light
intensity (r-2 = 0.81, P < 0.001). Later at night, densities
decreased in the presence of moonlight and artificial light.
Fish were observed to feed at night.
Croze, O., M. Chanseau,
et al. (1999). "Efficiency of a downstream bypass for Atlantic
salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts and fish behaviour at
the Camon hydroelectric powerhouse water intake on the Garonne
river." Bulletin Francais de la Peche et de la Pisciculture
Three experiments were conducted from 1996 to 1998 at the Camon
hydroelectric powerhouse water intake, on the Garonne River,
to test the efficiency of a surface downstream bypass for Atlantic
salmon smolts. This bypass was built into the trashrack itself
at its left edge. The efficiency of the device was evaluated
using the mark-recapture method. Smolt behaviour in the intake
canal was studied using radiotelemetry technique. In 1996, the
bypass efficiency was low (34%). Radio-tracking showed that
the bypass location was not responsible for its low efficiency,
fish being listened most of the time in the vicinity of the
bypass. Nevertheless, an unstable upwelling hided the device
entrance. After installing submerged horizontal screen and plates
upstream bypass entrance gate, the average efficiency increased
to 73%. Good hydraulic conditions in the intake canal and good
local hydrodynamic in the vicinity of the bypass entrance are
essential to obtain a satisfactory downstream bypass efficiency.
Intermittent nocturnal lighting has an effect on smolt behaviour
in the intake canal by maintaining fish in directly lighted
areas and on the rhythm of fish entry in the bypass, more fish
being captured during the first part of the lighting off period.
The catching of 7,715 wild salmonids has permitted to study
downstream migration rhythms at dam. Daily downstream migration
peaks seems to be linked with high water discharge and/or an
increase of water temperature. Moreover, downstream migration
activity at a dam appears to be mainly nocturnal.
Haymes, G. T., P. H. Patrick,
et al. "Attraction of fish to mercury vapor light and its
application in a generating station forebay." Internationale
Revue der Gesamten Hydrobiologie 69(6): 867-876.
Laboratory and field tests were conducted to determine the effectiveness
of filtered mercury vapor lights in attracting fish with possible
utilization in a fish conserving scheme at an electrical generating
station. In laboratory tests, alewife demonstrated an attraction
to the mercury vapor light which was associated with an increase
in swimming activity. This response was maintained over a 48
h period. When the filtered mercury vapor lights were utilized
in association with a fish pump in the Nanticoke Generating
Station forebay, juvenile gizzard shad and smelt were attracted
to the pump area. Although there was variation with time of
day, turbidity and lighting array, the results suggested that
the number of fish passing through the pump increased when the
mercury lights alone or when the mercury lights in association
with a white strobe light were employed.
Korkosh, V. V. (1992). "Behavior
of Atlantic saury and features of its response to light."
Voprosy Ikhtiologii 32(4):132-137.
The behavior of Atlantic saury was studied in an artificial
light environment. It is found that the response of the fish
to light varies during the year and is determined by biological
and ecological factors. The effectiveness of attraction of the
fish to light depends on the power and spectral characteristics
of light sources. A suggestion is made to use xenon bulbs DKST-20,000.
It is established that attraction to light in Atlantic saury
is based on the food procurement factor.
Larinier, M. and S. Boyer-Bernard
(1991). "Downstream migration of smolts and effectiveness
of a fish bypass structure at Halsou Hydroelectric Powerhouse
on the Nive River." Bulletin Francais de la Peche et
de la Pisciculture 321:72-92.
Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts
in river Nive South-West France was studied in 1987 and 1988
to access the effectiveness of a fish bypass structure at the
hydroelectric plant of Halsou. Passage of fish was determined
by trapping and video recording. Daily, diurnal and hourly passages
at bypass were determined. Tests with marked fish showed between
42% and 95% of the smolts used the surface bypass. Significantly
more smolts were bypassed when the discharge was increased.
Exploratory tests with halogen and mercury lights were performed.
Visual observation indicated that fish was attracted to the
lights but avoided the point source: results showed an increased
rate of passage when the lamps lighting up the bypass were turned
Larinier, M. and S. Boyer-Bernard
(1991). "Smolts downstream migration at Poutes Dam on the
Allier River: Use of mercury lights to increase the efficiency
of a fish bypass structure." Bulletin Francais de la
Peche et de la Pisciculture 323:129-148.
Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts
was studied in 1989 at Poutes dam on the Allier river [France]
to evaluate the effectiveness of mercury lights in modifying
behavioral responses of smolts at a fish bypass structure. Daily
and hourly passage of smolts was accessed by video recording.
Migratory activity was mainly nocturnal, diurnal movements increasing
at the end of emigration period. Analysis of results showed
that the lights significantly increased the rate of passage.
Visual observation showed that illumination duration, light
location and intensity may be important parameters in effective
application of mercury lights for attraction. The effect of
lights was not immediate : the maximum passage rate was observed
more than half an hour following the activation of lights. Three
to eight times as many fish were bypassed with the lights on
than with the lights off.
Larinier, M. and S. Boyer-Bernard
(1991). "Downstream migration of smolts and effectiveness
of a fish bypass structure at Halsou Hydroelectric Powerhouse
on the Nive River." Bulletin Francais de la Peche et
de la Pisciculture 321:72-92.
Downstream migration of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts
in river Nive South-West France was studied in 1987 and 1988
to access the effectiveness of a fish bypass structure at the
hydroelectric plant of Halsou. Passage of fish was determined
by trapping and video recording. Daily, diurnal and hourly passages
at bypass were determined. Tests with marked fish showed between
42% and 95% of the smolts used the surface bypass. Significantly
more smolts were bypassed when the discharge was increased.
Exploratory tests with halogen and mercury lights were performed.
Visual observation indicated that fish was attracted to the
lights but avoided the point source: results showed an increased
rate of passage when the lamps lighting up the bypass were turned
Munday, P. L., G. P. Jones,
et al. (1998). "Enhancement of recruitment to coral reefs
using light-attractors." Bulletin of Marine Science
Methods that enhance larval settlement are required to examine
the importance of recruitment in the dynamics of coral reef
fish populations. Although it is known that larval reef fishes
are attracted to light, here we show for the first time that
a light-attraction device positioned above patch reefs at Lizard
Island (Great Barrier Reef) significantly increased the number
of fish settling on the reefs below. The device was a modified
light trap with a tube allowing the vertical movement of larvae
from the trap to the reef. The number of species of settling
fishes, and the abundance and diversity of immigrant fishes
were also greater on the light-enhanced reefs. By comparison,
the alternative technique of enhancing recruitment using surface
buoys moored to reefs was unsuccessful. Further studies are
now required to determine whether enhanced recruitment using
light-attractors leads to a longer-term increase in population
size, as opposed to temporarily concentrating juveniles on the
Nemeth, R. S. and J. J.
Anderson (1992). "Response of juvenile coho and chinook
salmon to strobe and mercury vapor lights." North American
Journal of Fisheries Management 12(4):684-692.
Species-specific responses to flashing (strobe) and nonflashing
(mercury vapor) lights were monitored in hatchery-reared juveniles
of coho salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch and chinook salmon O. tshawytscha.
Fish behaviors were characterized as attraction and avoidance
responses, and as active, passive, and hiding behaviors. We
investigated how basic fish behavior and activity changed when
fish held under a variety of ambient light conditions were exposed
to strobe and mercury light. Implications of how these behaviors
may influence migrating smolts at a fish bypass system were
discussed. Both chinook and coho salmon avoided strobe and full-intensity
mercury light, but chinook salmon exhibited an attraction to
dim mercury light. Coho and chinook salmon showed different
behavior patterns under most conditions when exposed to strobe
and mercury light: coho salmon hid 47% of the time, whereas
chinook salmon swam actively 74% of the time. The greatest change
produced by either of the stimulus lights was at night when
both species normally were passive; exposure to mercury light
at nighttime increased fish activity by 90%. Both species also
showed similarities in their levels of exictability (e.g., sudden
or explosive movements in otherwise sedentary behaviors). The
results of this study showed that the behaviors were reproducible:
more than 80% of the fish exhibited the same behavior during
specific environmental conditions, and sudden and infrequent
behaviors were strongly associated with these behavior categories.
The behaviors observed in our experimental environment may give
insight as to how changes in light relate to fish behavior in
bypass systems.
Fritzsche, R.A., R.H. Chamberlain,
and R.A. Fisher. 1985. Species profiles: life histories and
environmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates
(Pacific Southwest) -- California grunion. U.S. Fish Wildl.
Serv. Biol. Rep. 82(11.28) U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, TR
L-82-4. 12 pp.
"Exposure to light
seems to reduce hatching success of grunion eggs (Hubbs 1965).
Young grunion are positively phototactic and can be attracted
to light as bright as 10,000 lux (Reynolds et al. 1977). The
strength of the gathering response is apparently related to
the strength of the
light stimulus."
Hubbs, C. 1965. Developmental
temperature tolerance and rates of four southern California
fishes, Fundulus parvipinnis, Atherinops
affinis, Leuresthes tenuis, and Hypsoblennius
sp. California Fish and Game 51(2):113-122.
From abstract: "California
killifish eggs hatch more slowly in total darkness while light
seems to kill California Grunion eggs."
Reynolds, W. W., D. A. Thompson,
and M. E. Casterlin. 1977. Responses of young California grunion,
Leuresthes tenuis, gradients of temperature and light.
Copeia 1977(1):144-149.
For collision with tall
lighted structures see also online bibliography Bird
kills at towers and other man-made structures: an annotated
partial bibliography (1960-1998)
Avery, M. , Springer, P.F.,
Cassel, J.F. (1976). "The effects of a tall tower on nocturnal
bird migration - A portable ceilometer study." Auk
Backhurst, G. C. and D.
J. Pearson. (1977). "Ethiopian region birds attracted to
the lights of Ngulia Safari Lodge, Kenya." Scopus
Baldwin, D.H. (1965). "Enquiry
into the mass mortality of nocturnal migrants in Ontario."
The Ontario Naturalist 3(1):3-11.
Bergen, F. and M. Abs (1997).
"Etho-ecological study of the singing activity of the blue
tit (Parus caeruleus), great tit (Parus major)
and chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs)." Journal fuer
Ornithologie 138(4):451-467.
The main objective of this study was to determine the extent
of influence that a large city's ecological conditions have
on the singing behaviour of urbanised birds. The singing activity
of selected bird species was examined using the "animal
focus sampling" method. The observations were carried out
from the beginning of March to the beginning of June 1995 in
a 10 ha inner city park, the Westpark (WP) in Dortmund (NRW,
Germany). An area of equal size in a forest south of Dortmund,
the Niederhofer Wald (NW) was chosen as a control area. In
the Westpark the Blue Tit, Great Tit and Chaffinch started to
sing significantly earlier in the morning than in the control
area. This difference could be due to the artificial lighting
of the park at night as well as the noise of traffic. There
was no difference in the three species' singing activities between
the two areas, but there were differences in the temporal pattern
of the Chaffinch's morning singing activity in comparison of
the two areas. In the Niederhofer Wald the Chaffinch was almost
equally active at all times whereas it showed a pattern similar
to the Tit's "dawn chorus" in the Westpark. Food supply,
distribution and predictability within the two areas are discussed
as causes for this difference. However, the negative correlation
between singing activity and the frequency of pedestrians crossing
the birds' territories may also play a role. In the Westpark,
a correlation between the Chaffinch's singing activity and the
frequency of passing pedestrians was noted. The more people
crossed the focus animal's territory, the less its singing activity
and the more frequently "pinks" occurred. Thus, pedestrians
do indeed disturb the Chaffinch which reacts with a change of
singing behaviour.
Bretherton B.J. (1902).
"The destruction of birds by lighthouses." Osprey
Bruderer, B., D. Peter,
et al. (1999). "Behaviour of migrating birds exposed to
X-band radar and a bright light beam." Journal of Experimental
Biology 202(9):1015-1022.
Radar studies on bird migration assume that the transmitted
electromagnetic pulses do not alter the behaviour of the birds,
in spite of some worrying reports of observed disturbance. This
paper shows that, in the case of the X-band radar 'Superfledermaus',
no relevant changes in flight behaviour occurred, while a strong
light beam provoked important changes. Large sets of routine
recordings of nocturnal bird migrants obtained using an X-band
tracking radar provided no indication of differing flight behaviour
between birds flying at low levels towards the radar, away from
it or passing it sideways. Switching the radar transmission
on and off, while continuing to track selected bird targets
using a passive infrared camera during the switch-off phases
of the radar, showed no difference in the birds' behaviour with
and without incident radar waves. Tracking single nocturnal
migrants while switching on and off a strong searchlight mounted
parallel to the radar antenna, however, induced pronounced reactions
by the birds: (1) a wide variation of directional shifts averaging
8 degree in the first and 15 degree in the third 10 s interval
after switch-on; (2) a mean reduction in flight speed of 2-3
m s-1 (15-30 % of normal air speed); and (3) a slight increase
in climbing rate. A calculated index of change declined with
distance from the source, suggesting zero reaction beyond approximately
1 km. These results revive existing ideas of using light beams
on aircraft to prevent bird strikes and provide arguments against
the increasing use of light beams for advertising purposes.
Cochran, W.. W. and R. R.
Graber (1958). "Attraction of nocturnal migrants by lights
on a television tower." Wilson Bulletin 70(4):378-380.
Derrickson, K. C. (1988).
"Variation in repertoire presentation in northern mockingbirds."
Condor 90(3):592-606.
Male Northern Mockingbirds (Mimus polyglottos) have exceptionally
large vocal repertoires. The manner of presenting this extensive
repertoire, as described using five measures, varied with reproductive
stage, among situations, and among individuals. All three versatility
measures peaked during courtship declined significantly during
incubation, and then slowly increased during nestling and fledgling
stages. A fourth measure, bout length, increased as the season
progressed, being shortest during courtship and longest during
the fledgling stage. A final measure, recurrence interval (number
of intervening bouts between two bouts of a particular song
type) was shorter during the nestling and fledging stages than
during courtship. Recurrence interval was shortest during patrolling
and countersinging with neighboring males. Over 25% of the song
types occurred only once in the sampling of singing behavior
of four males each over 2 years. Mockingbirds sang these rare
song types most commonly during prefemale and courtship stages,
thereby increasing the recurrence interval and versatility during
these stages. The pattern just described resulted in the greatest
number of song types being sung per unit of time during courtship
and provide circumstantial support for the hypothesis that song
functions intersexually in mockingbirds. The ability to alter
the manner of presentation may provide mockingbirds with the
flexibility to emphasize particular functions at certain times
and other functions at other times. Males with the highest versatility
measures and lowest bout length tended to be the first to acquire
mates and begin to nest. However, the importance of versatility
in attracting females remains speculative and requires further
experimental testing because these results were from only four
males. Songs sung at night were presented in a manner most similar
to the period before a female arrived on a male's territory.
Interestingly, under natural lighting conditions, only unmated
males sang extensively at night.
Frey, J. K. (1993). "Nocturnal
foraging by Scissor-Tailed Flycatchers under artificial light."
Western Birds 24(3):200.
Gorenzel, W. P. and T. P.
Salmon (1995). "Characteristics of American Crow urban
roosts in California." Journal of Wildlife Management
American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) roost in urban areas
across the United States creating problems resulting from fecal
droppings, noise, and health hazards. With little information
about roosts, managers have been unable to respond to questions
from the public about roost problems or design control programs.
We counted crows flying into Woodland, California, to roost,
surveyed roosts for occupancy, and recorded features of 87 roost
trees and 62 randomly selected nonroost trees from August 1992
through July 1994. Some crows roosted in town all year, with
peak abundance from September through January. Roost trees had
greater height, diameter at breast height (dbh), and crown diameter
and volume than nonroost trees (P < 0.001 all cases). Most
roost trees were located over an asphalt or concrete substrate
(P < 0.001) in commercial areas of the city, rather than
in residential areas (P < 0.001), and were subjected to greater
disturbance from vehicles and people (P < 0.01). Ambient
light levels and interior canopy temperatures during winter
were greater at roost trees than nonroost trees (P < 0.001
both cases). There were seasonal changes in roost trees
selected with an increased (P < 0.001) use of deciduous trees
(elms (Ulmus spp.), mulberries (Morus spp.), oaks
(Quercus spp.), and ashes (Fraxinus spp.)) in
residential areas during summer months as opposed to the concentrated
use of evergreen oaks, alders (Alnus spp.), and conifers
(Pinus spp. and Sequoia spp.) in commercial areas
during winter. We developed a logistic regression model with
4 variables that correctly classified status of 85% of roost
or nonroost trees.
Hill, D. 1992. The impact
of noise and artificial light on waterfowl behavior: a review
and synthesis of available literature. British Trust for
Ornithology Research Report No. 61.
Hoetker, H. (1999). "What
determines the time-activity budgets of avocets (Recurvirostra
avosetta)?" Journal fuer Ornithologie 140(1):57-71.
Time-activity budgets of birds are known to be affected by many
different factors. The aim of this study is to explain the intra-specific
variation of activity patterns (in particular foraging activity)
of one particular wader, the Avocet. Sixty-seven series of scan
observations of 12 h to 12.5 h length were made at several sites
on the flyway of the northwest European population and at various
stages in the species' annual cycle. In estuarine habitats the
activity pattern was mainly influenced by the tide. As soon
as the conditions allowed (neap tides) Avocets abandoned the
tidal rhythm. No time of day effects on activity patterns could
be detected. Activity patterns by day and at night were essentially
the same, except during very dark nights (owing to artificial
illumination at some of the study sites such nights were a rare
event), when foraging activity was reduced. The breeding
season induced considerable changes of the activity patterns,
including a reduction of foraging time to less than 20% of the
budget at the end of the breeding season. Outside the breeding
season, activity patterns were mainly influenced by the type
of food (fish: reduced foraging time, Chironomid larvae: prolonged
foraging time), by temperature (increase of foraging time with
decreasing temperature), by windspeed (reduction of foraging
time at wind speeds above 10 m/s) and by the darkness of the
previous night (compensatory feeding after dark nights).
Manville, Albert M., II.
(2000). "The ABCs of avoiding bird collisions at communication
towers: the next steps." Proceedings of the Avian Interactions
Workshop, December 2, 1999, Charleston, SC. Electric Power Research
Published accounts of avian collisions with tall, lit structures
date back in North America to at least 1880. Long-term studies
of the impacts of communication towers on birds are more recent,
the first having begun in 1955. This paper will review the known
and suspected causes of bird collisions with communication towers
(e.g., lighting color, light duration, and electromagnetic radiation),
assess gaps in our information base, discuss what is being done
to fill those gaps, and review the role of the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (FWS or Service) in dealing with this important
problem. This paper will also review avian vulnerability to
collisions with tall structures, currently affecting nearly
350 species of neotropical migratory songbirds that breed in
North America in the spring and summer and migrate to the southern
United States, the Caribbean, or Latin America during the fall
and winter. These species generally migrate at night and appear
to be most susceptible to collisions with lit towers when foggy,
misty, low-cloud-ceiling conditions occur during their spring
and fall migrations. Thrushes, Vireos, and Warblers are the
species that seem the most vulnerable. Lit towers, those exceeding
199 feet (61 m) above the ground, currently number about 46,000
in the United States (not including lit "poles"),
with the total number of towers registered in the Federal Communications
Commission database listed at some 75,000. Also included in
this paper are preliminary voluntary recommendations designed
to help minimize bird collisions with towers, as well as a review
of activities that prompted recent FWS action in dealing with
this issue. This paper will further review two partnerships
with the electric utility and electric wind generation industries
- the Avian Power Line Interaction Committee and the National
Wind Coordinating Committee's Avian Subcommittee, respectively
- as possible models for a future partnership with the communication
industry (i.e., radio, television, cellular, and microwave).
Miller, R. (1998). "Flocks
of crows making urban areas home, so look out below." The
News-Times, December 28. [online at:].
Negro, J. J., J. Bustamante,
et al. (2000). "Noctural activity of Lesser Kestrels under
artificial lighting conditions in Seville, Spain." Journal
of Raptor Research 34(4):327-329.
Nein, R. "A Robin uses
artificial light for feeding at night." Beitraege zur
Naturkunde der Wetterau 9(2):213.
Nikolaus, G. 1980. An Experiment
to Attract Migrating Birds with Car Headlights in the Chyulu
Hills, Kenya. Scopus 4(2):45-46. .
Nikolaus, G. and D.J. Pearson.
1983. Attraction of Nocturnal Migrants to Car Headlights in
the Sudan Red Sea Hills. Scopus 7(1):19-20.
Ogden, L. J. E. (1996).
Collision course: the hazards of lighted structures and windows
to migrating birds. Toronto, World Wildlife Fund Canada
and Fatal Light Awareness Program.
Ainley, D. G., R. Podolsky,
et al. (1997). "New insights into the status of the Hawaiian
Petrel on Kauai." Colonial Waterbirds 20(1):24-30.
We present new information, on the basis of observations and
an analysis of existing but unpublished data, regarding the
present status of the Hawaiian Petrel on Kauai. A consistently
used rafting area just offshore of Hanalei, on the north shore
of Kauai, is described for the first time. Observations made
there in June and July 1993 and 1994, indicate that the population
frequenting breeding colonies, on the order of gt 1000 birds
per night during the peak of the visitation cycle, is much larger
than previously thought. In contrast, few sightings of this
species were made elsewhere around the island. Corroborating
these observations were records collected by state and federal
biologists on fledglings attracted to lights during their initial
flight, 1980-1993, indicating a virtual confinement of the population
to the north shore. Data presented also indicate that the nesting
season on Kauai maybe a few weeks later than on Maui, the only
locale where extensive research has been conducted on this species.
On Kauai, increasing numbers of Hawaiian Petrel fledglings are
being found each year. We propose that this is a result of the
increasing numbers of coastal lights, and not an increase in
the petrel's population. The increasing numbers found have implications
for conservation of this species' population on Kauai.
Bertram, D. F. (1995). "The
roles of introduced rats and commercial fishing in the decline
of ancient murrelets on Langara Island, British Columbia."
Conservation Biology 9(4): 865-872.
I examined the decline of Ancient Murrelets (Synthliboramphus
antiquus), a small, burrow-nesting seabird, at Langara Island.
The island's seabird colony was historically one of the largest
colonies of Ancient Murrelets in British Columbia-perhaps in
the world-with an estimated 200,000 nesting pairs. I reviewed
historical information and compared the results of surveys from
1981 and 1988 that employed the same census protocol. The extent
of the colony, a potential index of population size, declined
from 101 ba in 1981 to 48 ha in 1988. Burrow density increased
during the same period, however, suggesting that the colony
bad consolidated. In 1988, the population estimate was 24,200
plus-minus 4000 (S.E.) breeding pairs compared to 22,000 plus-minus
3700 in 1981. In 1988, 29% of the burrows that were completely
searched contained bones of Ancient Murrelets. Bones were most
common in burrows located in abandoned areas of the colony and
were least common where burrow occupancy was high. The discovery
of adult Ancient Murrelets killed in their burrows by introduced
rats, combined with the high proportion of burrows with bone,
suggests that rats (Rattus rattus and R. norvegicus)
have contributed significantly to the decline of the population.
In addition, the presence and activities of a salmon-fishing
fleet in the 1950s and 1960s may also be linked to the decline
of the Langara Ancient Murrelet population during that period
because these fisheries are known to have caused heavy mortality
through fatal light attraction and drowning in gill nets.
The combined effects of ongoing predation by introduced rats
and-to a lesser extent-previous, episodic fishery-induced mortality
are probable causes for the population decline.
Lambert, K. (1988). "Nocturnal
migration activity of seabirds in the Gulf of Guinea."
Beitraege zur Vogelkunde 34(1): 29-35.
The employment of strong light sources aboard of a ship in the
Gulf of Guinea in April 1986 allowed insights into the nocturnal
migration activity of many seabird-species. Procellariiformes
reacted under all weather conditions equally and insignificantly
upon the light whereas distant-migrating northern migrants were
distinctly stronger attracted in nights with rain and thunderstorm.
Most frequent species were Sterna paradisaea, Phalaropus
fulicarius and Xema sabini, rarer were Stercorariidae,
other Sternidae and others. For Xema and Stercorarius
these are the first true records of nocturnal migration. By
all these species the daytime was chiefly used for resting and
feeding. Sterna fuscata, a tropical species, showed a
high daily but a low nocturnal activity.
Le Corre, M., A. Ollivier,
et al. (2002). "Light-induced mortality of petrels: A 4-year
study from Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)." Biological
Conservation 105(1): 93-102.
We report the results of a study of light-induced mortality
of petrels at Reunion Island which holds two endemic endangered
species, Barau's petrel (Pterodroma baraui) and Mascarene
petrel (Pseudobulweria aterrima), together with an endemic
non threatened subspecies of Audubon's shearwater (Puffinus
lherminieri bailloni). We collected 2348 birds attracted
to lights between January 1996 and December 1999, among which
70% were Barau's petrels and 29% were Audubon's shearwaters.
We found also three specimens of the very rare Mascarene petrel.
Most grounded birds were fledglings (94%). Light-induced mortality
was seasonal and linked with the breeding schedule of each species.
At least 20-40% of the fledglings of Barau's petrels produced
annually are attracted by lights. Light-induced mortality is
a recent perturbation at Reunion Island. Thus, the effects of
this disturbance on the population dynamics of these long lived
seabirds may be hard to detect at the present time, but they
are likely to occur in the near future. Conservation actions
are proposed to limit the light-induced mortality together with
other actions and long-term studies focused on the most endangered
Nocera, J. J. and S. W.
Kress (1996). "Nocturnal predation on common terns by great
black-backed gulls." Colonial Waterbirds 19(2):
We observed nocturnal predation by Great Black-backed Gulls
(Larus marinus) on eggs and chicks of Common Terns (Sterna hirundo)
at a restored tern colony on the coast of southern Maine. Dissection
of a nocturnal predatory gull in 1994 revealed two 7d old chicks,
3 embryonic chicks and 5 eggs. Further observations implicating
nocturnal predation by gulls on tern eggs in 1995 confirmed
that Great Black-backed Gulls can raid tern nesting colonies
during moderate to low nocturnal light conditions.
Podolsky, R., D. G. Ainley,
et al. (1998). "Mortality of Newell's shearwaters caused
by collisions with urban structures on Kauai." Colonial
Waterbirds 21(1): 20-34.
We investigated the population ecology of Newell's Shearwaters
(Puffinus auricularis newelli) on the island of Kauai, May-November
1993 and 1994. Reported here are (1) mortality rates of adults
and subadults caused by collisions with power lines during summer
1993-1994; (2) mortality rates of fledglings as a result of
collisions with power lines and other structures in autumn 1993-1994;
(3) calibration of adult and fledgling mortality in the data
collected by the Save Our Shearwaters (SOS) program, 1987-1994,
using the quantified search effort in 1993-1994; and (4) characteristics
of power lines that lead to mortality of adults, subadults and
fledglings. SOS rehabilitates fledglings grounded after attraction
to lights, a phenomenon called 'fallout." Our work was
confined to eastern and southern Kauai, where ca. 3,000 shearwater
pairs breed. In this area, we estimated that at least 70 breeding
adult and 280 subadult shearwaters die each year as a result
of collisions with power lines during summer. In the same area,
at least 340 fledglings die each autumn. Autumn fallout (and
mortality) of fledglings was spread among coastal, urban areas,
but summer mortality of adults/subadults was confined, with
74% of deaths occurring at <9% of the coastal power lines
(about 7.5 km total). Few adults and no subadults died during
autumn. Autumn mortality of fledglings (and fallout in general)
increased with greater proximity to bright lights and with the
number and (top to bottom) spread of lines in power line arrays.
Summer adult/subadult mortality was not correlated to lighting
but was correlated to the number and spread of lines, especially
where lines were strung across major river valleys. Lack of
low vegetation under the lines also increased the number of
dead birds found in both seasons. We suggest that in Southern
and eastern Kauai, (1) mortality as a result of collisions with
power lines is significant; (2) fallout involves fledglings
that successfully fly to sea but are then attracted back to
land by coastal lights; and (3) a large proportion of adult
shearwaters use specific river valley flyways to pass to and
from colonies.
Reed, J. R., J. L. Sincock,
et al. (1985). "Light attraction in endangered procellariiform
birds: Reduction by shielding upward radiation." Auk
102(2): 377-383.
Autumnal attraction to man-made lighting causes heavy mortality
in fledgling Hawaiian seabirds: Newell's shearwater (Puffinus
auricularis newelli), dark-rumped petrel (Pterodroma
phaeopygia sandwichensis), and band-rumpted storm-petrel
(Oceanodroma castro). These threatened, endangered and
rare species (respectively) approach and circle lights on their
first flight from mountain nesting colonies on the island of
Kauai [Hawaii, USA] to the sea. Lights of the largest resort
were shielded to prevent upward radiation on alternate nights
during 2 fledgling seasons. Shielding decreased attraction by
nearly 40%. Most attraction occurred 1-4 h after sunset. Full
moon dramatically decreased attraction, a phenomenon that has
both theoretical and management implications.
Wiese, F. K., W. A. Montevecchi,
et al. (2001). "Seabirds at risk around offshore oil platforms
in the North-west Atlantic." Marine Pollution Bulletin
42(12): 1285-1290.
Seabirds aggregate around oil drilling platforms and rigs in
above average numbers due to night lighting, flaring, food and
other visual cues. Bird mortality has been documented due to
impact on the structure, oiling and incineration by the flare.
The environmental circumstances for offshore hydrocarbon development
in North-west Atlantic are unique because of the harsh climate,
cold waters and because enormous seabird concentrations inhabit
and move through the Grand Banks in autumn (storm-petrels, Oceanodroma
spp), winter (dovekies, Alle alle, murres, Uria spp),
spring and summer (shearwaters, Puffinus spp). Many species
are planktivorous and attracted to artificial light sources.
Most of the seabirds in the region are long-distance migrants,
and hydrocarbon development in the North-west Atlantic could
affect both regional and global breeding populations. Regulators
need to take responsibility for these circumstances. It is essential
to implement comprehensive, independent arm's length monitoring
of potential avian impacts of offshore hydrocarbon platforms
in the North-west Atlantic. This should include quantifying
and determining the nature, timing and extent of bird mortality
caused by these structures. Based on existing evidence of potential
impacts of offshore hydrocarbon platforms on seabirds, it is
difficult to understand why this has not been, and is not being,
systematically implemented.
Beier, P. (1995). "Dispersal
of juvenile cougars in fragmented habitat." Journal
of Wildlife Management 59(2): 228-237.
There is little information on the spatiotemporal pattern of
dispersal of juvenile cougars (Felis concolor) and no
data on disperser use of habitat corridors. I investigated dispersal
of radio-tagged juvenile cougars (8 M, 1 F) in a California
landscape containing 3 corridors (1.5, 4.0, and 6.0 km long)
and several habitat peninsulas created by urban growth. Dispersal
was usually initiated by the mother abandoning the cub near
an edge of her home range. The cub stayed within 300 m of that
site for 13-19 days and then dispersed in the direction opposite
that taken by the mother. Mean age at dispersal was 18 months
(range 13-21 months). Each disperser traveled from its natal
range to the farthest part of the urban-wildland edge. Dispersing
males occupied a series of small ( <30% the area used by
ad M in the same time span), temporary (10-298 days) home ranges,
usually near the urban-wildland interface, and often with its
longest border along that edge. Each of the 3 corridors was
used by 1-3 dispersers, 5 of the 9 dispersers found and successfully
used corridors, and 2 dispersers entered but failed to traverse
corridors. Dispersing cougars will use corridors that are located
along natural travel routes, have ample woody cover, include
an under-pass integrated with roadside fencing at high-speed
road crossings, lack artificial outdoor lighting, and
have <1 dwelling unit/16 ha.
Bird, B., L. C. Branch,
and D. L. Miller. (2004). "Effects of coastal lighting
on foraging behavior of beach mice." Conservation Biology
Introduction of artificial light into wildlife habitat represents
a rapidly expanding form of human encroachment, particularly
in coastal systems. Light pollution alters the behavior of sea
turtles during nesting; therefore, long-wavelength lights—low-pressure
sodium vapor and bug lights—that minimize impacts on turtles
are required for beach lighting in Florida (U.S.A.). We investigated
the effects of these two kinds of lights on the
foraging behavior of Santa Rosa beach mice ( Peromyscus
polionotus leucocephalus). We compared patch use and giving-up
densities of mice for experimental food patches established
along a gradient of artificial light in the field. Mice exploited
fewer food patches near both types of artificial light than
in areas with little light and harvested fewer seeds within
patches near bug lights. Our results show that artificial light
affects the behavior
of terrestrial species in coastal areas and that light pollution
deserves greater consideration in conservation planning.
Blake, D., A. M. Hutson,
et al. (1994). "Use of lamplit roads by foraging bats in
southern England." Journal of Zoology 234(3):
Roads illuminated by white streetlamps attracted three times
more foraging bats (mostly Pipistrellus pipistrellus) than did
roads lit by orange streetlamps or unlit roads (3.2, 1.2 and
0.7 bat passes/km, respectively). More insects flew around white
lamps than around orange lamps (mean 0.67 and 0.083 insects
per lamp, reactively). The mean number of bat passes recorded
in any 1-km section of road was positively correlated to the
number of white street lamps along the section, and also, independently,
to the amount of trees and hedgerows. Bat activity was not related
to the number of houses along the road, ambient temperature
or cloud cover. The attractive effect of the lamps on the bats
was diminished in windy weather.
Gladgelter, H. L. (1966).
Nocturnal behavior of White-tailed Deer in the Hatter Creek
Enclosure. M.S. thesis, University of Idaho; 63p. WR 231.
Project Number: Idaho Cooperative Wildlife Research; IDA. W-085-R-17/JOB
09-PT 1.
A.B., et al. 2006 (in press). Activity levels of bats and katydids
in relation to the lunar cycle. Oecologia. Abstract
available at
Passell, H., J.A. Rosenfield,
and K.H. Gaines (n.d.). Ecological impacts on ocelot, jaruarundi,
and other species, from increased human activity in critical
riparian habitat. The Southwest Biodiversity Initiative, Albuquerque,
Rydell, J. (1991). "Seasonal
use of illuminated areas by foraging northern bats Eptesicus
nilssoni." Holarctic Ecology 14(3): 203-207.
Foraging northern bats Eptesicus nilssoni were monitored from
a car along a 27 km line transect in southern Sweden every week
during a 14 month period by means of a bat detector. The number
of bats observed along the transect was highly correlated with
air temperature, and no bats were observed at temperatures < C. Hence, feeding was infrequent in April and May
as well as in September and October and did not occur at all
from November to March. In summer, the bats were observed in
forest and farmland, but in spring and autumn most bats were
detected along rows of street-lights. By attracting insects,
artificial lights apparently provide local patches of food for
some species of bats during periods which may be critical for
their survival and reproduction.
Rydell, J., and H.J. Baagoe
(1996). Bats & streetlamps. Bats 14(4):10-13. [online
Rydell, J. and H. J. Baagoe
(1996). "Street lamps increase bat predation on moths."
Entomologisk Tidskrift 117(4): 129-135.
Streets and roads lit by mercury vapour streetlamps provide
important feeding habitats for several species of bats, because
the lights attract insects, including moths, which thus become
easily accessible to the predators. Some common Scandinavian
bat species, mostly the northern bat (Eptesicus nilssonii),
the particoloured bat (Vespertilio murinus) and the serotine
(Eptesicus serotinus), occur at high densities near streetlights
(usually 2-5 bats per km, occasionally up to 20 per km). Bats
foraging around streetlights catch male moths in large numbers.
The effect of the increased predation on the moth populations
is unknown. Mercury vapour lights are currently replaced by
environmentally more friendly orange sodium lights in many areas.
Sodium lamps do not attract insects to the same extent. The
replacement will therefore result in decreased food availability
for bats that forage near lights (such as those mentioned above).
Our threatened bat species seldom feed near streetlights, and
will therefore not be affected directly by the replacement.
Sanderson, K. and D. Kirkley
(1998). "Yearly activity patterns of bats at Belair National
Park in Adelaide, South Australia." Australian Mammalogy
Svensson, A. M. and J. Rydell
(1998). "Mercury vapour lamps interfere with the bat defence
of tympanate moths (Operophtera spp.; Geometridae)."
Animal Behaviour 55(1): 223-226.
Bats often forage near streetlamps, where they catch moths in
particular. At least two hypotheses may explain the apparent
increase in the availability of moths to bats feeding around
streetlamps: (1) the moths become concentrated near the light
and therefore more profitable to exploit; and (2) the light
interferes with the moths' evasive flight behaviour. We tested
the second of these hypotheses by exposing flying male winter
moths, Operophtera spp., to bursts of ultrasound (26
kHz, 110 dB sound pressure level) from an electronic source.
The light from a 125 W mercury vapour lamp had a quantitative
effect on the moths' evasive flight response at close range
(within ca 4 m), inhibiting it totally in nearly half (43%,
N = 125) of the cases. By contrast, moths flying in the surrounding
woodland and without interference from the lamp always responded
to the sound. Streetlamps of the mercury vapour type (white
lamps) thus interfere with the defensive behaviour of moths
and presumably increase their vulnerability to echolocating
bats. This may have implications for the conservation of both
moths and bats.